You, Your Birth & Beyond

You, Your Birth & Beyond Doula Package

The embracing doula care package, providing you with personal, attentive and tailored support throughout your pregnancy, birth and postnatal journey


Antenatal Planning

Bespoke antenatal teaching, birth and postnatal planning, alongside 1:1 support, will create strong foundations for a positive birth and postnatal journey.

I offer a minimum of three antenatal sessions (2 hours each) during which we will unpick birth experiences, explore birth physiology and plan for the birth and postnatal journey of your choice*.

These sessions will empower you mentally, emotionally and physically by building your confidence to trust your body and its capabilities to birth.

I also run Birth Preparation only courses; these are available in a 1:1 or group setting.

Your Birth

Birthing Support

In the lead up to your birth, I will keep in touch regularly to meet your needs and direct you to any services that may benefit you and baby.

I will be on call from 38 weeks until the birth of your baby and a will remain by your side throughout labour.

I will tailor my care to suit your individual needs, respecting your birth choices and ensuring you are heard and supported in the best way possible.

Once baby is born, I will stay with you to protect the Golden Hour and assist you with anything you need.

& Beyond

Postnatal Support

Too often, new parents do not receive the support and care they deserve in the 4th trimester.

I offer a minimum of two postnatal visits (3 hours each, in the first 5 weeks). I will support your post labour recovery, to aid your mental, physical and emotional healing, boosting your capacity to bond deeply with your newborn.

In addition, I will help to create a safe and restful environment for you and baby.

Postnatal services include**

  • Birth debrief
  • Answering questions about you or baby
  • 1 x nourishing vegetarian meal
  • Tailored additional support – click here to see how else I can support you 
  • Signposting local groups and services
  • Phone and email support from booking up until baby is 5 weeks old

The You, Your Birth & Beyond Package starts at £1,750

Please contact me to find out more

*Additional support for abdominal (caesarean) births, infant feeding preparation and birth partner workshops can be arranged at a separate cost

**Additional postnatal support can be booked in further 3 hour blocks, click here to see how else I can support your postnatal journey

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